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DC DVD Party

25 Jan

Photo Credit: TLC

Do you remember this summer when we all were so excited for the premier of DC Cupcakes only to be disappointed by it’s mediocre reality?

Of course you do! Every foodie and cupcake lover alike was excited. Well, now you can order yourself the DVD set of the mini season one. Or, seeing as season two is “coming soon” you could just wait for TLC to start replayed the episodes and set your DVR to record. Just saying. I love the idea of this show, but it wasn’t worth shelling out $19.95.

Although I was disappointed in season one, I’m still hopeful for a more fulfilling season two.

Sifting Through Cupcake Wars

23 Jan

The fabulous Food Network show Cupcake Wars has started again and is as wonderful as last season if not better.

Just the other week, the episode culminated in what is officially my favorite final cupcake arrangement. Winners, Sift Cupcake & Dessert Bar created a rustic display perfect for a fall wedding or one set in wine country (where their business resides). I stumbled upon a quick interview of theirs with Cupcakes Take the Cake giving some insight to one of my favorite shows and desserts. I’m hoping they won’t mind me reposting their interview here, it’s too good to pass up!

Photo Credit: Sift Cupcake & Dessert

How did you decide to appear on Cupcake Wars? Did you create a video application?

We created three audition videos! We never heard back, so we would just make a new one and keep calling the producers to see if they watched it. By the end, I’m sure they only said yes to make us stop calling. 😉

What was the filming/taping like?

It was incredibly intense. The crew on the set was amazing…I don’t know how they are even standing at the end of the show…we were only still standing because we won $10,000!! Everyone worked so hard, it was a very looooong process. I remember begging the producer to let me change my shoes…my feet were killing me! Corey was a natural, she helped keep us grounded and calm (or so it seemed).

What was it like behind-the-scenes?

It’s so sureal actually being on the set that you’ve only watched on TV. It’s also a little intimidating being in someone else’s kitchen and having four or five cameras running after your every move. Many times we were like, “Woah! Watch out for the cameraman!” as we’re running with a hot pan.

How different were your experiences than what we saw on TV?

It’s really amazing how long you film for versus how LITTLE of it actually makes it in the 30-minute show. We tried giving Justin some of the wine we were using…that didn’t make the cut. Ha!

Were you given guidance by the Food Network? Were there things you wanted to do but were unable to?

Take my shoes off, sit down, and enjoy a glass of wine. They didn’t allow that…

How did you choose your winning cupcakes?

We decided on our Samoa and Pink Champagne, which is one of our best sellers (and perfect for weddings!). Then we decided to bring in a little wine country with our Zinger (Zinfandel Ginger). We could have used our Ooh La La (top-selling red velvet), but we just felt that flavor was a little played out.

What was the competition like?

Competition was tough. Lucy & Leo’s gave us a run for our money. And at the end we really had no idea which way the judges would go. We had two completely different wedding looks and themes. We called them on the air date to congratulate them on a great show. They were good competition!

How has winning affected your business, if at all?

Wow. We imagined business would increase…we just had no idea by how much. Let’s just say that we took in extra money in sales that week…and paid for it in overtime! Ha!

In all seriousness, our Sift family has worked so hard, they are simply amazing and we couldn’t be more grateful. They must love what they do because they keep sticking around.

What are you planning on doing with your winnings?

We are launching a Wine Country Cupcake Truck! We’ll roam the valley and vineyards and pass cupcakes to the wine-weary…or wine-happy. Follow us on Twitter @Sifted.

Is there anything else you want to share with our readers?

We just received our first Food Network order for Guy Fieri’s birthday cupcakes! We’re doing sushi, burgers, bbq, pizza, and Jack Daniels-themed cupcakes. We’ll send pics when they’re done

Be sure to check out Cupcakes Take the Cake for other little cupcake gems like this!

Believe it or Not

3 Aug

Photo Credit: Washington Post

DC Cupcakes has been signed for a second season.

Television and it’s viewers never cease to amaze me. After watching last week’s episodes of DC Cupcakes I was still partial to the show.

Yes, that’s right, I watched every single episode of this short premier season and am still not sure I even really liked the show. That is a total three hours wasted of my life, not including the hours I’ve spent thinking about how disappointed I am in Georgetown Cupcake owners Sophie and Katherine.

Reports say that the finale week reached 1.5 million views, which is up from the 1.1 million viewers from the premier. These are pretty good numbers for a new show, it’s no wonder TLC signed for another season.

I want to love DC Cupcakes so badly, there’s no doubt I’ll be watching the second season. In the mean time, I’ll be here hoping that TLC at least plans to revamp the show and get the girls a little more comfortable with the cameras before airing season two.

DC Cupcakes: A Train Wreck You Can’t Stop Watching

31 Jul

Photo Credit: All Things Cupcake

I had such high hopes for this show, and at this point I’m beginning to think my hopes were too high. So far this summer I’ve found myself hooked to Saturday Cake Boss marathons on TLC. Then later that week I’ll even re-watch those episodes. That is madness! But afterwards I’m always happy with the time I’ve spent and never found myself fast-forwarding through the DVR to get to the end. If only I could say the same for DC Cupcakes.

This week’s episodes were charming, but like I’ve been saying they are completely lacking reality. Here’s what I think: Sophie and Katherine are nice girls but are putting on an even nicer show for the cameras.

No matter how scripted it seems, I can’t stop watching. From the numbers of the premier it looks like you couldn’t stop watching either.  For the series premier 1.124 million of us switched on TLC and 34,000 more tuned in for the second episode. As soon as some current numbers come across our laptop I’ll let you know. I almost hate to say I’m looking forward to next week’s episodes.

Third Time’s a Charm

30 Jul

Last week on DC Cupcakes, we saw the girls working on some creative cupcake creations that we loved. And while we were much more pleased with last week’s episodes, there was still some kind of reality missing from this “Reality” show.

The series’ third week has just begun. Here’s to hoping the third time’s a charm.

Nashville Goes to War

29 Jul

Don’t get your panties in a wad, Nashville is obviously not going to war. However, one Nashville cupcakery, The Painted Cupcake, is hoping to battle it out in Food Network’s Cupcake Wars.

We’ve already fallen in love with their cupcakes, and this video just made us love them even more. Tracey Davenport, owner of the bakery, managed to open the shop in just three weeks! That’s right, she signed the lease to a picturesque location in historic Nashville and received rave reviews from the moment doors opened for business, all in three weeks.

If you only watched the beginning of their video then you missed the best part. At the end, Tracy informs us The Painted Cupcake plans snag the $10,000 prize from Cupcake Wars and give all of it to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital.

There’s only one thing we love more than a good dessert and that’s some philanthropic action. Personally, we think seeing The Painted Cupcake take it all at Cupcake Wars would be thrilling.

Photo Credit: The Painted Cupcake

DC Cupcakes: A Semi-Sweet Treat

19 Jul


DC Cupcakes premiered this weekend and it was good. Not great, not bad, but good. While I was hooked enough to at least watch next week’s episode, I’m hoping it develops a little more.

There are some reality shows that we know in our minds are produced, and then there are reality shows in which producers throw in our faces that they’re putting the scenes together. Unfortunately, these first couple of episodes were more like the latter.

As one reviewer said:

“Ovens simmer and cocoa powder streaks faces, but “D.C. Cupcakes” is marred by the cardinal sin of reality TV: Its subjects are all too aware of the conventions, pantomiming reality in the service of reality.”

Here’s what we liked: The relationship between the sisters and their mom, not to mention their mom and the entire staff. We LOVE the cupcakes, their ideas and enthusiasm.

BUT. It needs to be more natural, less pieced together. We can only imagine how crazy it really is behind the scenes at Georgetown Cupcake on Valentine’s Day with a huge last minute order. And even though that’s what this episode featured, TLC didn’t give us their best.

One review, which I found a little too harsh, is however well stated and a little humorous, definitely worth the quick read.

I’ll give the girls one more chance.

Georgetown Cupcakes Has Officially Arrived

17 Jul

So, most of you probably have more exciting Friday nights than me, but I will be here watching DC Cupcakes on TLC just as soon as the DVR runs for a minute.

For any cupcake lover, reality show lover, TLC addict I think this is one show we’re going to fall in love with. And considering I fall under all three of those categories I’m pretty excited about tonight’s premier.

Vodpod videos no longer available. Vodpod videos no longer available.

Love the Ice Cream Cupcakes, I’ve been thinking about doing something similar for The Husband’s birthday. Hmm…

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Now it’s time for the show! If you happen to miss it, check back here for a recap later this weekend!

Food Network Looks for Fresh Bakers

11 Jul

Food Network

Lately, I’ve been watching Food Network‘s show Cupcake Wars. It’s a good show and a great way to get your name out there as an up-and-coming cupcake baker. Plus, I’ve seen some pretty inspiring (and not-so-inspring, like tobacco) flavored cupcakes.

As the first season comes to a close, it’s time to find the stars for next season and it could be you! Food Network is holding a national casting call for next season’s bakers. Here’s what you need to know:


We are casting bakers (store owners, caterers, pastry chefs, new bakers…)

NATIONWIDE, so get in touch with us ASAP to apply for the show.

If you think you and your cupcakes have what it takes to compete against the best bakers in the country, then we want to hear from YOU! The winner of the show will have their cupcakes featured at a HOLLYWOOD EVENT and receive WORLDWIDE PRESS!  The winner of each episode also wins $10,000!!!

We’re looking for great bakers with AMAZING personalities in every city.

To be considered for the show, please e-mail us your name, phone number, photo (and website if available!) to:

Be sure to tell us what makes you the perfect candidate for “Cupcake Wars”!

Cupcakes Take to TLC

28 Jun

Let the cupcake craze officially explode. If you don’t already have a cupcake obsession, you will in two and a half weeks when TLC premiers their show DC Cupcakes.

I’ve had friends who’ve lived in DC and have had nothing but rave reviews for the bakery. Sisters Sophie LaMontagne and Katherine Kallinis opened the shop on a leap of faith. Their recipes are über secret, and of their 60 employees only the sisters and two other employees know the ingredient details.

Here’s the scoop from producer Terence Noonan:

“It’s a reality show … and it lets you know the good, the bad, and the ugly of cupcake making. I think the interesting thing about Sophie and Katherine is they always wanted to have a baking show. And for two years they worked really hard to get themselves out there, going on The Today Show, Martha Stewart’s show, get the attention of the media, and get a TV show. They built their brand up and it paid off.”

That sounds like a cupcake I want to know more about. So, get your DVR’s set for July 16 on TLC. Until then get to know more about Georgetown Cupcakes: