Believe it or Not

3 Aug

Photo Credit: Washington Post

DC Cupcakes has been signed for a second season.

Television and it’s viewers never cease to amaze me. After watching last week’s episodes of DC Cupcakes I was still partial to the show.

Yes, that’s right, I watched every single episode of this short premier season and am still not sure I even really liked the show. That is a total three hours wasted of my life, not including the hours I’ve spent thinking about how disappointed I am in Georgetown Cupcake owners Sophie and Katherine.

Reports say that the finale week reached 1.5 million views, which is up from the 1.1 million viewers from the premier. These are pretty good numbers for a new show, it’s no wonder TLC signed for another season.

I want to love DC Cupcakes so badly, there’s no doubt I’ll be watching the second season. In the mean time, I’ll be here hoping that TLC at least plans to revamp the show and get the girls a little more comfortable with the cameras before airing season two.

2 Responses to “Believe it or Not”

  1. Ette August 10, 2010 at 9:29 pm #

    I’ve wanted to ask someone what they thought of DC Cupcakes but other than my sister I don’t know anyone that watches the show. I just wanted to know does anyone else other than my sister and me think this show is soooooo contrived. If it’s not the over the top or should I say under the top “acting” its the camera angles that change in the middle of conversations that shows that there was a obvious cut in the action. Not to mention how they can’t even seem sincere when talking to the camera in their interviews describing what happening. I know many reality shows are scripted but at least try to fool the viewers. I have to admit that I watch the show almost every week but my excuse is to see when TLC will have a show meeting and convince everyone involved with the show to just be themselves or at least take some acting lessons.


  1. DC DVD Party « The Cupcake Cure - January 25, 2011

    […] you remember this summer when we all were so excited for the premier of DC Cupcakes only to be disappointed by it’s mediocre […]

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